Keeping up with the cell phone Joneses

My problem is that I am never satisfied. I get a new cell phone and fall madly in love with it from the moment I take it out of the box. Then my cell phone and I go on our “first date” - maybe a walk in the park or a visit to the local Starbucks. Everything is going just swell when I see another guy, with his date – a cell phone even newer and cooler than mine.

At this point, the honeymoon is over. I long for that new phone and all its cool features… completely forgetting that the phone I just paid hundreds of dollars for is fully loaded with more features and gizmos that I could ever need in two lifetimes.

Such is the nature of gadget envy – and is the primary reason why cell phone companies continue to up the ante each year in terms of design and functionality.

Luckily online discount cell phone stores sell unlocked phones that make it easier on your wallet when it comes to keep up with the latest technology. These stores sell unlocked phones, which means you can switch the SIM card out of your existing phone into a new one – an upgrade without having to sign up for two more years of service!

If you want the latest cell phone technology, but don’t have a fortune to spend, visit today and choose from hundreds of cell phone accessories. The online cell phone superstore is

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